Thursday, September 7, 2017

Michael Bennett is just the tip of the iceberg.

Unfortunately, it took a well-known athlete like Michael Bennett to become a victim, in order for this racist society, whose liberals tend to wear permanent rosy glasses, to even address the fact that police brutality against black people is systemic, and racial profiling is taught at the police academy. In light of Trump's decision to rescind the DACA program, which protected children of illegal immigrants that are mostly Hispanic, one would think Hispanic officers would have the decency to understand the plight of the marginalized black people. However, it's not about Hispanic, black or white officers. Racial profiling is part of the training for all officers at the police academy. I'm not absolving these two Hispanic cowards of responsibility for what they did to Michael Bennett, but we must take a closer look at the procedures and training that are in place at the police academy.
There's a 95% chance that most black men in this country, at some point in their lives, have been the victim of racial profiling. Personally, I've been profiled so many times, I lost count. Having a gun drawn to my head and being falsely arrested by ill-trained officers is regular happenstance in my life. Still, rich white team owners have decided to punish a man who decided to shed light on a situation that is too real to all black people. We will never stop talking about Kaepernick, because when he made the decision to bring scrutiny to this issue, he clearly understood the ramifications and he knew what was at stake. As the NFL season is underway tonight, I hope all black people in this country will blackout tonight's game, and the rest of the games for the entire season, in honor of Kaepernick.

Whether liberal or conservative, white people's established class system in this country benefits both groups. First of all, too many people are fooled into believing that slavery was just about capitalism. Yes, white people are some lazy fucks who don't want to work hard, but like to reap the fruits of somebody else's hard labor. That's true in every form. Over 400 years ago, they sailed to Africa to illegally kidnap and enslave black people. Nowadays, they rely more on Hispanic workers to do the hard work for the cheapest labor they can provide. If you don't believe me, ask the white farmers in Alabama how much money they have lost because migrant workers aren't around to pick their fruits. While mass deportation of Hispanics is taking place under the Trump administration, he's also offering H-1 visas to anybody who wants to be a migrant worker slave on the orange fields in Alabama and across the rest of the country. Since the mass deportation of illegal people which started under the Obama administration, the farm industry in America has lost close to a trillion dollars. White people don't want to do the hard work that Hispanic workers are willing to do to support their families. And black people will never goo back to the field, because it's reminiscent of slavery. Though capitalism played a major role in white people's greed and their determination to enslave black people, racism emerged in a classist society created from white people's actions.  White people will never own up to classism, because it breeds white supremacy. Without classism, racism cannot exist. Classism has nothing to do with wealth or your stance in society as it relates to culture, profession or religion. It has everything to do with skin color. Michael Bennett is a multi-millionaire athlete who entertains white America 16 weeks out of the year. He's better known and more recognizable than some of the wealthiest white people, but his skin color makes him a victim of classism, as well as racism. Classism has everything to do with white skin. No matter how poor a white person may be, or invaluable to society, he's of a higher class, and is taught that by society. Not only that, Bennett is also very elite as a player, and has been the voice for many people who have been silenced as little black boys to grown ass men. The police department enforces classism and racism. There are too many examples and instances where classism kept armed white people from getting murdered by police, while a 12 year-old innocent black boy was murdered for no reason. We have to look beyond racism to understand how white people value their class in society. Your white liberals will never submit to being second class citizens, no matter how loud they want to appear to be on behalf of justice and equality. Black people are treated like second class citizens, no matter how wealthy, famous, or educated we are.

What we have witnessed is a travesty of justice, because there's no justification for humiliation when someone has done nothing wrong. The two Hispanic officers who decided to violate the civil rights of Michael Bennett, did so because we live in a society where classism precedes racism, and people like Zimmerman and these Hispanic officers feel they can benefit from the classism that has put a hierarchy in place over 4 centuries ago that places black people at the bottom of the barrel. I don't know these 2 cowardice Hispanic officers, but I can guess they were trained to command more respect from black people, in order to set the tone even in the most indisputable irrelevant case to diffuse a situation. This classism is also the reason why so many Hispanics voted for Trump, and later found themselves on a one-way charter bus back to their countries of birth. They don't even understand this type of classism that has more to do with white people putting themselves on a pedestal, than somebody else's status in society. White people don't give a shit about anybody's class in society but their own. Unfortunately, many Hispanics were delusional enough to believe Trump thought they were close enough to white, as if he didn't set that tone from the very beginning of his campaign, when he called them rapists and murderers.

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