Friday, September 15, 2017

Get it through your thick skull, Black people cannot be racist!

First of all, let's address the root of racism: Racism was a white innovation that emerged to make black people feel less human. From the shores of Africa, black people were treated as slaves and servants, and dehumanized. That was the introduction of racism. Nothing about us was different from white people, except the color of our skin. Sorry, I'll take that back. We were more civilized than white people. According to many articles written throughout history, white people have gone way above and beyond to make the argument that black people's human capacity was only a percentage of theirs. Of course, their bullshit theory has been defunct. However, it never stopped the continuous propaganda through the media. The fact that black folks have become doctors, lawyers, scientists, Astronauts, teachers, super athletes, and the list goes on, it has not erased from the minds of many racists that black folks are on their level or beyond, physically, intellectually, psychologically and emotionally. I won't even mention the different sectors of life where we excel with dominance. That's for another blog.
Anyway, going back to the initial topic, BLACK people cannot be racist! I repeat, we cannot be racist! There are many reasons that we cannot be racist, but the main one is that we don't control anything in this country, or the world for that matter. Racist white people have even managed to control the resources all over Africa, away from Africa. Every act of aggression toward Africans and other races, is an act of racism on the part of white people. They live off that shit and get high off that shit. White people have a derogatory term for every fucking group of humans on earth. From Nigger, to Kike, to Faggot, and the list is endless. White people have managed to come up with racist terms for every fucking group on this planet. In order for someone to act racist toward another person, that person's racism must have some kind of affect on the person's livelihood. Whether they can use their racism to prevent someone from getting a job, a better rate on a loan, healthcare, housing, and so on, that's the only way racism can be effective. All those things are controlled by white people, and only white people can use your skin color to prevent you access to all these things. Now, having said that, I'm also tired of ignorant ass black people calling other black people racist. Educate yourselves!
Though the majority in population in South Africa, Black people can't even be racist in South Africa, because the Europeans(Dutch mostly and Germans) who invaded South Africa, still control their resources and their economy. There will come a time when black folks in South Africa can become racist, but they're gonna have to kick out the entire white race out of South Africa first. As for America, you can tell white people to go fuck themselves, if they ever call you racist as a black person. They personify racism, and they introduced racism to the world. A black person calling a white person "Honky or cracker," has absolutely no affect on that cracker. You see how I just called them a cracker, my word will not affect them one way or another. I don't have any affect on the livelihood of these crackers. However, the word "Nigger" was specifically introduced to degrade and denigrate black people at their leisure. It was a term created to make black people feel subhuman. The word "Nigger" brought racist white people together in public squares during public hangings. I can't recall black people hanging white people anywhere. My bad! It happened in Haiti, but white people won't allow you to read about their decapitation and hangings at the hands of Haitians during the Haitian revolution. You might get ideas.
A lot of Black people like to regurgitate bullshit they hear from white people, and they embrace that bullshit as if it is proper and correct. Do not be fooled by white people. It's almost like someone stealing from you, but they want to make you feel bad for stealing your fucking money. White people have a knack for that. When you are able to tell me an industry in America that is controlled by black people that white people are fighting to get into, I'll tell you if we are empowered enough to be racist toward them. From the clothes on your back, to the food you eat, and the different sports we excel in, white people own and control it all. They even control Hip Hop. Don't be fooled by a bunch of Negroes in the NFL, the NBA and Hip Hop running around entertaining white people for a fraction of the billions of dollars these white people make off their talents, because most of these racist white ass owners and record execs who supported Trump, from the NBA, the NFL and Hi Hop, despise Kaepernick for standing up for black people, and would do the same thing to Micheal Jordan if he dared stood up for black people in his prime. The most dominant player in the NBA today had his gate spray-painted with the word "Nigger" splattered all over it not too long ago. That word is offensive, no matter how rich a black person is. It is those racist assholes who want to fool you into believing that you have the capacity to be racist. And if you believe their bullshit, you are more than delusional. Racist people set the parameters of life for all black people, whether rich or poor. If LeBron James says the wrong shit tomorrow, this racist system will destroy him in a matter of days.
Racism is a white institution in this country, and it can be found at every juncture of life, but most profoundly, it empowers those white people in the justice department. If you are too blind to understand how systemic RACISM, created by white people, affect black lives, you need to get from under that rock you've been living for the past 50 years.
Please do not allow your children to grow up to ignorantly believe they can be racist, because white people want to project their feelings of guilt and racism onto us, and we should not allow it. Racism is a white institution, and they're constantly making sure they own it! It's fine tuned like a piano on a daily basis, to make sure white privilege remains.
Wake the fuck up!

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