Monday, September 18, 2017

The evolution of the black mind.

In terms of progress and evolution, black people in America have surpassed the expectations that white people had set for them long ago. Many of us have managed to do things white people thought were impossible. Many innovations by black inventors have been stolen. Many patents have been denied to Black people and stolen by white people. Many written songs have been stolen from us. Many of our artforms have been taken over by them. Our education system is a sham. Equality and justice has been a farce. Mass incarceration has been the gateway to wealth for white people. Jim Crow laws have taken on a new form. Black folks are still marginalized in many ways. And yet, some of us manage to thrive. It is that small percentage of us who thrive, which continues to reinforce this perception that black people are now in a better place in America. This false perception works so well, many affluent Negroes honestly believe racism no longer exists. As a matter of fact, those Negroes have become the defenders of white supremacy. It's very sad to hear a white supremacist in black skin defending a racist system in place that can destroy them at any moment. Money has more of a psychological affect on black people than any other race. Too many of us have bought into the Rich Vs Poor mentality. Consider this: Bob Johnson/Michael Jordan couldn't be owners in the NBA without the votes of the current white owners. Ultimately, that gives them control over black billionaires. It basically means, they have had to act accordingly. Meanwhile, there was a racist owner in LA for many years that these so called owners didn't mind having around, as long as his racism was not uncovered.
The old idea that black people weren't capable of achieving no longer stands, but at the same time, the roadblocks created to prevent black people from achieving are reinvented in many ways. Black folks are easily blinded by the fact that they have been allowed to earn money for their hard labor, and because of this, too many black people believe there's equality in this country, and the barriers have been lifted. Every step black folks take forward, white people leap 10 steps ahead. Just take a look around, you'll notice that white people no longer work the blue collar jobs that they used to work back in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Those positions are now held by black people. White people have moved on from them. Your mail carrier is black in most cities. Your UPS/FedEx driver is black in most cities. The workers at many of the automotive plants around the country are black and Hispanic. And the long list of blue collar jobs have transformed from white to black. Soon, those positions will be eliminated. Pay attention!
It's very easy to go into the archives to pull up articles from old Negro newspapers and magazines that addressed the same black struggles we are facing today. Kaepernick is the new Muhammad Ali, dealing with the same issues. We have had too many new Emmett Tills to even name one. Still, some black folks don't see the stagnancy in the evolution of our minds. We act like everything is good with white folks, and the incidents taking place are isolated, rather than calculated. In the 50's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's and 2010's, white cops murdered black people indiscriminately, and they faced no justice for their crimes. In 2017, the same thing is still going on, and we continue to march the same ineffective way. At what point will the black mind evolve enough to grasp the reality of their being in this country?
The one evolution that needs to take place has evaded us for over 7 decades now. Our economic power should have been enough to sustain us, but too many of us are too quick to relinquish that power to those who are making sure we stay marginalized. I continue to find black people on my page who are die-hard football fans, who act like football is crack to them. I continue to delete them as well. It's almost psychologically defective to behave in such a way that allows white people to give "no fucks" about the plight of black people. Our continued effort to appeal to their human side continuously fail. As far as compassion, you must understand that you have accepted your position as being at white people's mercy, in order to seek compassion from them. That means they control your actions, and your reaction is predicated on their approval.
One more thing, the Jesus juice and the bible, will we ever overcome that fable?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Get it through your thick skull, Black people cannot be racist!

First of all, let's address the root of racism: Racism was a white innovation that emerged to make black people feel less human. From the shores of Africa, black people were treated as slaves and servants, and dehumanized. That was the introduction of racism. Nothing about us was different from white people, except the color of our skin. Sorry, I'll take that back. We were more civilized than white people. According to many articles written throughout history, white people have gone way above and beyond to make the argument that black people's human capacity was only a percentage of theirs. Of course, their bullshit theory has been defunct. However, it never stopped the continuous propaganda through the media. The fact that black folks have become doctors, lawyers, scientists, Astronauts, teachers, super athletes, and the list goes on, it has not erased from the minds of many racists that black folks are on their level or beyond, physically, intellectually, psychologically and emotionally. I won't even mention the different sectors of life where we excel with dominance. That's for another blog.
Anyway, going back to the initial topic, BLACK people cannot be racist! I repeat, we cannot be racist! There are many reasons that we cannot be racist, but the main one is that we don't control anything in this country, or the world for that matter. Racist white people have even managed to control the resources all over Africa, away from Africa. Every act of aggression toward Africans and other races, is an act of racism on the part of white people. They live off that shit and get high off that shit. White people have a derogatory term for every fucking group of humans on earth. From Nigger, to Kike, to Faggot, and the list is endless. White people have managed to come up with racist terms for every fucking group on this planet. In order for someone to act racist toward another person, that person's racism must have some kind of affect on the person's livelihood. Whether they can use their racism to prevent someone from getting a job, a better rate on a loan, healthcare, housing, and so on, that's the only way racism can be effective. All those things are controlled by white people, and only white people can use your skin color to prevent you access to all these things. Now, having said that, I'm also tired of ignorant ass black people calling other black people racist. Educate yourselves!
Though the majority in population in South Africa, Black people can't even be racist in South Africa, because the Europeans(Dutch mostly and Germans) who invaded South Africa, still control their resources and their economy. There will come a time when black folks in South Africa can become racist, but they're gonna have to kick out the entire white race out of South Africa first. As for America, you can tell white people to go fuck themselves, if they ever call you racist as a black person. They personify racism, and they introduced racism to the world. A black person calling a white person "Honky or cracker," has absolutely no affect on that cracker. You see how I just called them a cracker, my word will not affect them one way or another. I don't have any affect on the livelihood of these crackers. However, the word "Nigger" was specifically introduced to degrade and denigrate black people at their leisure. It was a term created to make black people feel subhuman. The word "Nigger" brought racist white people together in public squares during public hangings. I can't recall black people hanging white people anywhere. My bad! It happened in Haiti, but white people won't allow you to read about their decapitation and hangings at the hands of Haitians during the Haitian revolution. You might get ideas.
A lot of Black people like to regurgitate bullshit they hear from white people, and they embrace that bullshit as if it is proper and correct. Do not be fooled by white people. It's almost like someone stealing from you, but they want to make you feel bad for stealing your fucking money. White people have a knack for that. When you are able to tell me an industry in America that is controlled by black people that white people are fighting to get into, I'll tell you if we are empowered enough to be racist toward them. From the clothes on your back, to the food you eat, and the different sports we excel in, white people own and control it all. They even control Hip Hop. Don't be fooled by a bunch of Negroes in the NFL, the NBA and Hip Hop running around entertaining white people for a fraction of the billions of dollars these white people make off their talents, because most of these racist white ass owners and record execs who supported Trump, from the NBA, the NFL and Hi Hop, despise Kaepernick for standing up for black people, and would do the same thing to Micheal Jordan if he dared stood up for black people in his prime. The most dominant player in the NBA today had his gate spray-painted with the word "Nigger" splattered all over it not too long ago. That word is offensive, no matter how rich a black person is. It is those racist assholes who want to fool you into believing that you have the capacity to be racist. And if you believe their bullshit, you are more than delusional. Racist people set the parameters of life for all black people, whether rich or poor. If LeBron James says the wrong shit tomorrow, this racist system will destroy him in a matter of days.
Racism is a white institution in this country, and it can be found at every juncture of life, but most profoundly, it empowers those white people in the justice department. If you are too blind to understand how systemic RACISM, created by white people, affect black lives, you need to get from under that rock you've been living for the past 50 years.
Please do not allow your children to grow up to ignorantly believe they can be racist, because white people want to project their feelings of guilt and racism onto us, and we should not allow it. Racism is a white institution, and they're constantly making sure they own it! It's fine tuned like a piano on a daily basis, to make sure white privilege remains.
Wake the fuck up!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

It's time to break the cycle and start creating a circle.

It's time for us to break the cycle, and start creating a circle.

Since the beginning of slavery, black people had been forced to always compete for the affection of their deceitful slave owner. Some of them even went as far as believing that their slave owner were good to them. Talk about an oxymoron! It's really sad when a person can be delusional enough to believe someone who has enslaved them, cares for them. Whether they were trying to be in good favor, or looking for better treatment from the slavemaster, black folks competed with each other and white people encouraged it, while humiliating them. Emerged from all this behavior and practice, was your average Sambo who was willing to do whatever it took to please massa. Some black women also figured being a concubine to their white master would afford them certain luxuries, while some black men simply wanted to be "house Ni##ers." I guess the field was just too hot, so being in the house talking about, "Is we sick today, massa?" was a step above the field. For whatever reason, black folks were positioned to always compete with one another.

Fast forward a few centuries later, Black folks are still competing for master's attention. Whether it's on the football field, the basketball court, or on wax (through Hip Hop), black people can't stop competing with one another, in order to serve white people. The self degradation and denigration don't even matter to them. There are different levels of competition among them as well. We have the Ray Lewis and Randy Moss competition where shucking and jiving for massa is taken to a whole new level, where they see another black man who's standing up for black rights as a loser and a distraction. And of course, we have Sambos like Jason "Fat bastard" Whitlock, who uses every opportunity to show white people what a real Negro servant is like. He's on some next level coon shit. I call these men super coons. You can add Steve Harvey, Charles Barkley and many others to the super coon list, right along with the black people who supported Trump. However, I want to get back to the core of the modern day COON competition which is the most influential, and that is Hip Hop. I say Hip Hop, because it has a direct affect on our young black population. Encouraged by white execs to promote misogyny, murder, violence against women and calling women bitches and hoes as they personify themselves as Niggers, Hip Hop has created a lot of rich Niggers, but even more wealthy racist white people. For some odd reason, Hip Hop was about competition from its inception. We have no idea why, but I can bet this behavior can be traced back to slavery. Whether it's real gangsters trying to outgangster other gangsters on records, or studio gangsters fabricating a fake gangster persona to influence our youth, black people are always willing to compete with each other for the entertainment of white people, while white people reap the benefit of their competition.
It's almost tiring to witness this "crab in a barrel" mentality my entire life. Slavery was universal, so the behavior of black people toward one another is pretty much universal. Whether it's black folks from the Caribbean in Jamaica, Haiti and other islands, or African Americans, there's always competition. Shabba  Ranks had to battle every Dancehall artist in the Reggae world, and every Dancehall artist had to come for Shabba Ranks. LLCool J had to crush Kool Moe Dee, and KRS1 had to come after MC Shan. The list of rap and Reggae beef is too long for me to even write about, but I'm sure you catch my drift. Black artists have lost their lives over bullshit competitive beefs, and even more dumb ass artists have gone to prison after becoming millionaires because of this bullshit competition among black people to prove they are street. Who benefits in all of this? The white executives, the white owners, and the white people who listen to the shit and use it as reality to murder black people, because of this false perception of fear for us.
When are we going to wake up and start creating a circle of unity? What is it going to take for black people to come together to achieve something that's going to change our paths globally? We are so quick to find reasons to disagree with each other, in order to show allegiance to the white racist system. We are way beyond brainwashing, if we can't even figure out what they have been able to do to us throughout history. It is time for us to get rid of the puppeteer, because being a puppet has gotten us nowhere through the years. The famous slogan on the Haitian flag is translated into "Unity makes strength." It's no wonder Haiti was the only black country in the world to ever successfully revolt against slavery. However, after uniting, white people figured out a way to create division among them again, and they went right back to competing and destroying each other again, which is why Haiti is also in its current state. The white will was imposed on Haiti long ago, and white people will never allow black people to unite on this earth again. Still, all black people can learn from the history of Haiti, because when the Haitians united, they defeated the strongest white armies of the world, which included the French, Spaniard and British. Don't you think white people recognize our strength in unity?
Black folks, please wake up and stand together to win this fight. Uniting is for the benefit of all us. This shit is bigger than all of us as individuals. Aren't you tired of losing?

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Black people and the white muzzle.

Negroes are still confused about their position in society. Jemele Hill must've forgotten her position at ESPN comes with conditions. And those conditions include: Stay in your lane, talk about sports, don't say shit about white people, your voice belongs to us, be a happy Negro in front of the camera, and you have no right to call out racist white people.
Jemele really thought her platform at ESPN afforded her the opportunity to offer an opinion on Trump that is reserved for white people. Black people still got it fucked up about white liberals.  The fact that they might be liberal does not erase their interest in white domination and supremacy. Allowing black people to work at ESPN only solidifies the idea that liberals aren't publicly racist.
Jemele got all comfortable and shit, spreading the truth like she's working at BET, while it was still owned by Bob Johnson, talking about, "Trump is a white supremacist who's unfit to be president." She got scolded like a child quickly by ESPN. You can't talk about white people. They put that muzzle on your mouth the minute you sign that contract to work for them.
Black people are delusional and shit. They honestly believe these rich black athletes have a voice, while forgetting who sign those checks. That's how white people control you. Basically, they pay your black ass to entertain and shut the fuck up. You can't have a voice if you don't know how to stand together and support one another.  Some of them are learning, though. Kaepernick has opened their eyes.
Bill Maher can say whatever the fuck he wants about Trump and not get scolded for it like a child. Stephen Colbert can tell Trump to go fuck himself, his bosses and white people won't be outraged. However, let a black person call out the obvious about Trump, these motherfuckers tighten the muzzle real quick.
Y'all gonna learn about white people one of these days. White supremacy is about controlling the liberty of black people in every way.  You can't say shit, you can't do shit, you can't defend yourself, but you can march and pray as much as you want, though.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

black people and adaptability

Black folks are most comfortable adapting, because adaptability has become a form of survival for most black people, especially affluent black people.
Don't fret when you see or hear ignorant black people like Randy Moss, Ray Lewis, Mike Vick or Stewart give their opinion publicly on Kaepernick. It is their survival instinct of adaptability that has kicked in to defend their white master. Adaptability supersedes even their pride and heritage. The Negro has been forced to adapt from the time they left the shores of Africa in captivity. Forced to practice a new religion, speak a new language, eat food foreign to them, and the list is endless to their journey of adaptability. That survival tactic of adaptability is passed down from generations. The higher the Negro has climbed up the financial ladder, the more susceptible he is to demonstrate his survival tactics to the world, and the less empathetic he becomes to the struggles of his own people.
We must understand the psychological transformation that takes place when a destitute person has been allowed to overcome their situation because they believe it has everything to do with their hard work, and not their lineage. Any black person who's athletically gifted, must first give credit to their lineage. It came from somewhere in their bloodline, and without their African ancestry, their athletic prowess wouldn't be relevant.

There are many Negroes out there who practice adaptability as a religion without knowing it. Most often these Negroes say dumb shit like "I can't live around black people, or I don't deal with black people." No other race in the world has ever said such ignorant statements about their own race. Jewish people are proud to live in Jewish neighborhoods. Asians love to create their own communities. Indians from India are proud of their Indian communities, Hispanics are very proud of their Hispanic neighborhoods, but black people are quick to tell you everything that is wrong with their community, while they look for a way out. Black folks don't protect, defend or correct their communities. Instead, they adapt to communities where they're not wanted. They'd rather put up with spray-painted graffiti on their front doors saying "Nigger go home," instead of standing up to help create a better black community. The survival instinct of adaptability has afforded the Negro the temperament to be docile during injustice against him. You can't really change a Negro who has adapted to the environment of his master. He revels in it and goes against any other Negro who dares stands against it. The mind of the Negro who has adapted works in contrast with his fears. He's quick to tell you how afraid he is of the people in his community, but shows very little fear to the angry white racist who calls him a Nigger every time he steps out of his house in the suburb.

Going against the grain is only for those Negroes with revolutionary minds. The adapted Negro likes to create a fictitious utopia in his own mind, where he's able to block out all the obvious racism he faces on a daily basis, because being in a white environment and around white people is the ultimate goal.

What white people need to be having the "talk" about.

While white companies like Proctor and Gamble are now encouraging black families to have the "talk" with their children to make sure they return home safely once they leave their house, I wish they would also encourage white people to have the "talk" among themselves.
They should have the "talk" with their privileged white children about the 400-years financial headstart they gained over black people through slavery, as black people created a financial cushion for them that their family is still enjoying many generations later.
They should have the "talk" about the fact that black people were hung for learning how to read and write, which set them back educationally for many generations, in order to help their children understand how their forefathers enforced ignorance among black people.
They should have the "talk" about the rape culture created by white people that forced many black women to become suicidal and pseudo adjustable social impostors who have had to act like being raped daily was a normal part of their lives.
They need to have the "talk" with their white children about the genocide of black people committed by white people, and the continuation of these acts through current legislation enacted by white lawmakers to ensure the downfall of black people.
They need to have the "talk" about the marginalization of black people economically, which creates a spin cycle of destitution for many black families who can't seem to find a boot, much less the straps, to pull themselves up. The predatory lending practices created by them to reinforce economic slavery against black people, which completely removes the idea of black folks being able to pull themselves up by the bootstrap. Their children need to know black people pay higher rates on loans, higher insurance premiums for their homes and cars, higher life insurance premiums and ultimately higher prices for food, gas and everything else in the black community.
They also need to have the "talk" about how white people can come back to the hood to gentrify it, which immediately removes the wealth for the black middle class, while black people are assumed to be driving down the prices of homes in the suburbs, when they move near white people.
There's so much that they need to have the "talk" about, it's almost hypocritical to see they have taken the time to make a commercial about the "talk" for black people, but they aren't creating a commercial to have the "talk" with the police officers who are murdering black people indiscriminately, and the racist assholes who continue to see black people as a threat.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Not even the most liberal white person has a full grasp on white privilege.

White privilege is so embedded in our society, it goes hand in hand with white supremacy.  Something as basic as an education, has white privilege written all over it. I'm talking from grade school to college. Most major urban cities have exam schools that are part of their public school system, but the majority of people attending these schools tend to be  the children of white liberals who gentrified the hood, and the largest minority group tend to be Asian. In Boston, those schools are: Boston Latin, Boston Latin Academy, and John D. O'Bryant high school. In New York City, it's Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech and a couple of other schools that i can't recall right now. Most of these schools give privilege to white people, even though these urban schools are located in predominantly black neighborhoods. I attended one of those schools, so I have an idea.
Even something as important as a college decision gives way to white supremacy and privilege. Most black students look forward to attending the college that gives them the best financial aid package, whether they like the school or not, while the majority of white students tend to have a choice as to where they can attend. Financially, we're at a disadvantage. Shit like that tends to happen when a group of people worked for free for close to 400 years. Shit, most of these colleges and universities were built on free labor. We don't even understand the psychological impact on someone who's attending a school where they don't really have a choice in the matter. It can almost feel like the first time a black student tried to integrate the public school system in the south. To be at a place that you don't like for 4 years can be grueling, but black people aren't complaining, though. Many of us have managed to earn degrees at colleges and universities where we were the only black student in every class. The college campus itself gives way to white privilege, because the majority of the white students belong to a community that makes them feel comfortable from the onset. Unfortunately, the HBCU's aren't funded well enough to offer financial aid packages to all the marginalized black people in this country. It takes special athletic skills and gifts for black people to earn a choice in the school, which they would like to attend.
Liberal white people are all for social justice and equality, until it threatens their white privilege. And then they create conditions, and conditions that can get people like Dr. Martin Luther King killed. It was all good while he was bowing to them, but the minute he started to develop a backbone on behalf of his people, liberals had to shut him down. They couldn't have 2 Malcolm Xs. Their demise was orchestrated by the same liberals who marched with Dr. King, and stood up against Malcolm X. Historically, white liberals had only taught the slaves how to read, so those slaves could use the bible to convert other slaves to become docile Christians. When Nat Turner decided to interpret their own bible his own way, they did away with him. In all unfairness and injustice, I'm tired of society always pointing to liberal white people as the sympathizing saviors of black folks. They refuse to tell the world how resilient we are as a people. They are quick to tell us that white people taught so and so how to read, but seldom mention the many slaves who taught themselves how to read. It wasn't unusual for the slaves to become curious about what was being read by these white people. Just like people like Prince taught himself to play many different instruments, there were many slaves who taught themselves how to read. In addition, let's not forget that not every black person kidnapped by white people in Africa was illiterate. After all, civilization started in Africa. There were educated Africans among the captives. White people have never paid the price for their crimes against humanity. Black folks are supposed to swallow that shit up and forget about slavery, while these fuckers can't even let go of 911. They commemorate that shit annually. I won't even mention the Holocaust, because the Jews are still receiving checks from the federal government of the United States for something that happened in Germany. However, bring up reparations and see what happens? Obama didn't even want to address reparations on behalf of black people while he was in office, but was quick to hand a check to the Jews for the holocaust. White privilege is a mother, even a black president had to honor it.
The famous common white soliloquy about all black people being descendants of slaves is a major detractor in the abilities of our forefathers. Many of them were well-trained men and women who were forced into bondage by illiterate white kidnappers, thieves, murderers, criminals and racists from Europe.  We have to stop allowing white people the comfort of using this dialogue that black people are descendants of slaves. I have never heard white people referring to themselves as descendants of kidnappers, murderers, thieves, and rapists. White privilege is all about hiding the truth, and using a blanket to cover all white dishonesty and injustice, while elevating white people to a state of superiority by creating a false sense of inferiority for black people. Their shit is so far from the truth and reality, it has to be practiced on a daily basis to make it real.

White folks don't want to know the truth, and they can't handle the truth. Unfortunately, neither can some black people about their own race's abilities and capabilities.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Michael Bennett is just the tip of the iceberg.

Unfortunately, it took a well-known athlete like Michael Bennett to become a victim, in order for this racist society, whose liberals tend to wear permanent rosy glasses, to even address the fact that police brutality against black people is systemic, and racial profiling is taught at the police academy. In light of Trump's decision to rescind the DACA program, which protected children of illegal immigrants that are mostly Hispanic, one would think Hispanic officers would have the decency to understand the plight of the marginalized black people. However, it's not about Hispanic, black or white officers. Racial profiling is part of the training for all officers at the police academy. I'm not absolving these two Hispanic cowards of responsibility for what they did to Michael Bennett, but we must take a closer look at the procedures and training that are in place at the police academy.
There's a 95% chance that most black men in this country, at some point in their lives, have been the victim of racial profiling. Personally, I've been profiled so many times, I lost count. Having a gun drawn to my head and being falsely arrested by ill-trained officers is regular happenstance in my life. Still, rich white team owners have decided to punish a man who decided to shed light on a situation that is too real to all black people. We will never stop talking about Kaepernick, because when he made the decision to bring scrutiny to this issue, he clearly understood the ramifications and he knew what was at stake. As the NFL season is underway tonight, I hope all black people in this country will blackout tonight's game, and the rest of the games for the entire season, in honor of Kaepernick.

Whether liberal or conservative, white people's established class system in this country benefits both groups. First of all, too many people are fooled into believing that slavery was just about capitalism. Yes, white people are some lazy fucks who don't want to work hard, but like to reap the fruits of somebody else's hard labor. That's true in every form. Over 400 years ago, they sailed to Africa to illegally kidnap and enslave black people. Nowadays, they rely more on Hispanic workers to do the hard work for the cheapest labor they can provide. If you don't believe me, ask the white farmers in Alabama how much money they have lost because migrant workers aren't around to pick their fruits. While mass deportation of Hispanics is taking place under the Trump administration, he's also offering H-1 visas to anybody who wants to be a migrant worker slave on the orange fields in Alabama and across the rest of the country. Since the mass deportation of illegal people which started under the Obama administration, the farm industry in America has lost close to a trillion dollars. White people don't want to do the hard work that Hispanic workers are willing to do to support their families. And black people will never goo back to the field, because it's reminiscent of slavery. Though capitalism played a major role in white people's greed and their determination to enslave black people, racism emerged in a classist society created from white people's actions.  White people will never own up to classism, because it breeds white supremacy. Without classism, racism cannot exist. Classism has nothing to do with wealth or your stance in society as it relates to culture, profession or religion. It has everything to do with skin color. Michael Bennett is a multi-millionaire athlete who entertains white America 16 weeks out of the year. He's better known and more recognizable than some of the wealthiest white people, but his skin color makes him a victim of classism, as well as racism. Classism has everything to do with white skin. No matter how poor a white person may be, or invaluable to society, he's of a higher class, and is taught that by society. Not only that, Bennett is also very elite as a player, and has been the voice for many people who have been silenced as little black boys to grown ass men. The police department enforces classism and racism. There are too many examples and instances where classism kept armed white people from getting murdered by police, while a 12 year-old innocent black boy was murdered for no reason. We have to look beyond racism to understand how white people value their class in society. Your white liberals will never submit to being second class citizens, no matter how loud they want to appear to be on behalf of justice and equality. Black people are treated like second class citizens, no matter how wealthy, famous, or educated we are.

What we have witnessed is a travesty of justice, because there's no justification for humiliation when someone has done nothing wrong. The two Hispanic officers who decided to violate the civil rights of Michael Bennett, did so because we live in a society where classism precedes racism, and people like Zimmerman and these Hispanic officers feel they can benefit from the classism that has put a hierarchy in place over 4 centuries ago that places black people at the bottom of the barrel. I don't know these 2 cowardice Hispanic officers, but I can guess they were trained to command more respect from black people, in order to set the tone even in the most indisputable irrelevant case to diffuse a situation. This classism is also the reason why so many Hispanics voted for Trump, and later found themselves on a one-way charter bus back to their countries of birth. They don't even understand this type of classism that has more to do with white people putting themselves on a pedestal, than somebody else's status in society. White people don't give a shit about anybody's class in society but their own. Unfortunately, many Hispanics were delusional enough to believe Trump thought they were close enough to white, as if he didn't set that tone from the very beginning of his campaign, when he called them rapists and murderers.