Thursday, October 31, 2019

Black economic genocide.

White supremacy is predicated and dependent on black economic genocide. Most people don't understand the underdevelopment of Africa, because they're not paying attention to the obstacles created to prevent Africa from thriving economically. Hillary Clinton convinced Obama that Gaddafi needed to be assassinated, but what had he done to America? Like the good Negro puppet that Obama was, he didn't question the racist motives of Clinton. There's no do-over in many things in life, and I don't want to hear shit from Obama about what he would've done differently. Gaddafi wanted to create a currency that would be backed by African resources to strengthen the entire continent. Black Wall Street was bombed for what? Because black people were thriving, and it would get in the path of the narrative created for white supremacy to thrive? There are hundreds of examples of black economic genocide committed by white people, especially across the Caribbean and Africa, but folks must first understand that most rich black people in America also serve the white agenda, because their wealth is dependent on them selling out their own people. The people they choose for us to hate usually look just like us. These people usually put wealth above all things. Every single black leader who has ever been chosen by white people to be the mouthpiece for black people, have been ambitious degenerates. These are people who seek wealth, power, and want to make history. Dr. King was murdered, because he wanted to help put a stop to black economic genocide. You won't hear those speeches, though. "I have A Dream" is all they want you to hear, because they want to keep you in a dream state economically. Obama even benefited from this speech during his campaign.
White people love free labor, cheap labor, and exploitation of all sorts. Hillary Clinton prevented the government of Haiti from raising it's national hourly wage to a living wage, because Haiti would no longer be able to serve as the backdrop for the poorest country in the western hemisphere in the American media. She was down there to rob Haiti of the resources that the world don't know that Haiti possesses.
Haiti has become singular and synonymous with poverty. The story about Haiti is always that it's a poor country. We are completely oblivious to the real history of Haiti, because the American government has made sure the valiant efforts of Haitian heroes are forgotten. Though Haitians played a vital role in helping America maintain its independence, American history books purposely omitted Haitian contribution to American society. Instead, the focus has always been about the disintegrated wealth of Haiti, which has been caused primarily by the US government since their occupation of Haiti back in 1915. Haiti has plenty of resources, and used to be one of the top suppliers of cocoa to the world. They have been undermined and their resources squandered, while the Americans held Haiti hostage back in 1915. The occupation of Haiti was no different than the kidnappings of slave brought to the west to help build America and the other colonies to create wealth for white people. This economic genocide system is in place to cripple all black countries and communities around the world financially, which is why most African countries can't really thrive economically, even though they have the most resources that the world needs. On a local level, the black communities around America suffer the same fate. Predatory loans, bad school systems and a slew of systemic catastrophes designed by them, are set up for our failure economically. Throughout my travels around the world, I witnessed the same system in use against black people in every single country that I've visited.
We must open our eyes and rise above their plans. We have to become financially literate, but more importantly, we have to be aware of the mechanism in place that ensures our economic genocide. We have to stop looking to them for any type of relief; whether financial, social, educational, or political. They are not there to serve us, and they don't have our best interest at heart. We have to rise above their schemes. We have to be determined in all of our undertakings, and the focus must always be black economic empowerment.

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