Tuesday, November 5, 2019

We Are Losing Our Humanity

I know that we make jokes about a "Microwave generation" all the time, but few people take the time to assess the fact that we are also developing a nation of children with no patience. The people born in yesteryear were a lot more patient than we are. Anybody who's born after the invention of the microwave and the internet pretty much knows nothing about being patient. While white people see their technological advances and inventions as convenient, it is to the detriment of human kind that they are trying to speed up time for everything. What I mean by that? The microwave cuts the time to heat up anything down to 10%. What would have taken 20 minutes to heat up on a stove, now takes about 2 minutes in a microwave. Back then, people engaged one another while something simmered over the stove. We don't even talk to one another as much in person anymore. Everyone is engaged on their phone, even when they are out on a date. However, pay attention, because everything is done in succession. It's not just about heating our food in the microwave anymore, it's more about the dissipation of human interaction. Human beings are very impatient and intolerant today.
Back in the day, most of us grew up in households with just 1 bathroom, and probably 3 bedrooms at the most. Many of us had to share the one bathroom and our bedrooms with other siblings. We learned to be patient whenever someone was using the one bathroom available for all the people in the house. Now, 4 people must be using 4 bathrooms at the same time. Each person must have their own room, because we don't have the patience to be around anybody in the same space for too long. This behavior does not remain in the house with us. We also take it out with us to our job, behind the wheel, and everything else that we do. College graduates want to earn 6 figures right after they are handed their diploma. If someone doesn't pick up the phone when we call them, we immediately follow with a text. We have no patience for anything anymore, because we are living in a rushed society that expects everyone to move at the speed of light. It's taking away from our humanity, because we are no longer interacting as humans. The waitress can't bring out our food fast enough at the restaurant, otherwise we'll complain or want to go to another restaurant with faster service. We don't want to stand in line to purchase tickets for a movie, so we pay a premium to buy them online. EventBrite is making a ton of money from us, because we no longer have the time, nor the patience to go purchase or pickup tickets for anything anywhere anymore. I understand the convenience factor, but it comes with a price, and that price is our humanity. We used to be able to meet people, while picking up tickets for an event at a ticket location.Those situations don't happen anymore.
When it comes to information, forget the library. As far as we're concerned, the library is extinct. Google does it all for us. Who has the patience to go see family members in person, when we can connect with them on Facebook, Instagram and all the other social media platforms. Do you see how we're losing our humanity? This shit is insanity, but we're yearning for more. There's traffic in every major city almost 24 hours a day now, because we are all in a rush to get somewhere. Bookstores aren't important to us, because we can go to Amazon and browse online, and read the reviews before we buy a book. Some of us don't even want to hold physical books anymore. Our library is on our phones. When we lose our phones, we lose our connection to the entire world. Everything that used to be useful to us is in decay, but we love the new technology. We don't even memorize the phone numbers of the people special to us anymore. We don't get to know people on a personal level anymore, we just go online, find the person we think fit our criteria for a relationship, do a little bit of research on Google, and pow! We're ready to get married. Where is the humanity in anything that we do anymore? Honestly, there's enough material on this shit for me to write a book, but I'm not going to bore you like that.
We have to return to our humanity, in order for us to gain our sanity back.

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