Unfortunately, a lot of black folks are under this delusion that poverty is normal, and somehow Jesus or Allah has a pathway out of poverty. First of all, please do your research, because other than your pimp preachers like Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Billy Graham and the likes of them that are rich off your 10% hard earned contribution to their posh lifestyle, most super wealthy people in the world don't go to church, or even believe in the Christ/Allah that most black people believe will deliver them from their suffrage.
You must understand that poverty is one of the biggest industries in the world. That's right, it's an industry in and of itself. White people and some black people capitalize off poverty every day. As a matter of fact, white people create and help contribute to poverty daily. I have hundreds of thousands of examples that I can tell you about just in Africa alone. However, the easiest example that I can point out to you are those on the doorsteps of America. Haiti is the most impoverished country in the western hemisphere, according to white narrative and propaganda. Without this narrative, white people can't go to Haiti under the false pretense of humanitarians, as well as those Christian missionaries that you see raping children all over Haiti, to pillage Haiti's resources. Just in case you didn't know, Haiti is not poor at all. As a matter of fact, Haiti is being robbed, and the people most responsible for Haiti's poverty and the pillaging of resources are the American and Canadian governments. Haiti used to be one of the richest countries in the Caribbean, but the forced slaughter of Haitian pigs and many other white imperialist and barbaric economic coups against Haiti, have prevented Haiti from the prosperity it once held as a country. Bill and Hillary Clinton played vital roles in making sure Haiti's 20 billion-dollar oil reserve is pillaged by the white imperialists, in addition to the gold reserves, bauxite and other resources that Haiti possess, which can bring Haiti to a first world country in a matter of years. That truth about Haiti's resources won't work for them, because the minute white people descend upon Haiti, we would know that they are there to rob the country of its resources. However, it's easy to believe they're there to contribute and help, if they continue to sell the world on a poverty-stricken Haiti. Come on, you're smart enough to know the games white people play. Don't they do that to us in America? Aren't we seen as poor degenerates relying on the system to survive? Didn't Ronald Reagan call black women welfare queens? Aren't the majority of people on welfare in this country white? Come on, let's understand the narrative a little better. Do you think it's a coincidence that most of your local newscasters are black? Who better to deliver the news to you and the world to make you believe their bullshit? No matter how black the news delivery crew gets, the owner and controller of the narrative is always white. The people that are paid a check to deliver the narrative dictated by the racist white system aren't in a position to write the news. They are the black mouths serving as propagandists who rely on the system for their survival. Real black Journalists are often terminated for telling the truth on the news. Ask Jemele Hill how the truth ended her career?
We can move on from Haiti to Cuba. America will have you believe Cuba is also one of the poorest country in the Caribbean. It's okay, you're gullible like that, so they play on that.The narrative about Cuba being poor allows white people to force the world to begrudge Cuba. Poverty is big business, because it allows white people to go into these countries to pillage their resources under the false pretense of humanitarian work. How many times a week a reference of poverty is made about the entire continent of Africa? What is the richest continent on planet earth? It damn sure is not America, Asia or Europe. If Africa is so fucking poor, why do France continue to extort countries in Africa to the tune of 500 billion dollars a year? Why are the fucking Chinese all over Africa? As long as we continue to allow them to shape our perspective, they'll continue to shape the narrative. Poverty happens because we're too quick to believe that being poor is part of the process for us. Do you know how many books are written about poverty annually? Do you know how many records have been made in the name of poverty? Do you know how many guest speakers who have built their careers on the subject of poverty? The entire Hip Hop industry was borne out of poverty. Most super talented black athletes are created because of poverty. Do you know how many black politicians and pastors that are living a posh lifestyle because of poverty? Poor people will elect, and they will pray and contribute to religious causes that don't serve them in any damn way.They will go without to give to the church, because in their delusional minds, they believe this Jesus or Allah guy is gonna come through with some fucking miracles for them. They will elect fools, because they believe these fools will help pull them out of poverty. People who came from impoverished backgrounds even use their poverty to relate to you, so they can build rich political or personal careers off your poverty. This is not even about being woke. It's about using your fucking commonsense, so that people don't exploit you anymore. Poverty is created on purpose. The capitalist system relies on poverty to work. The American economy is in shambles, but they're still telling you their capitalist system is the best in the world. When was the last time a company took a look at your credit history and considered you a great risk because of your insurmountable debt? That's how the US government functions. They can't seem to get out of debt, but want you to believe in their capitalist system. Trump just fucked it up more for all of us.
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