Black people in general, have a hard time putting things in perspective. We have a bunch of people choosing sides regarding the situation in Haiti. Some folks are saying it doesn't serve Haiti well if Jovenel Moise is forced to leave office, while others worry that he can somehow maintain some form of delusional stability in the country as president. At this point, it's not even about Jovenel. However, since he's the president, we should look at the fact that this guy came into office and immediately started to rob the coffers like his predecessors. It is alleged that Jovenel Moise has stolen 257 million dollars of Haitian money that is sitting in an offshore shell account in Panama. Who do you think taught him how to do this? Let's see...Laurent Lamothe is alleged to have 450 million in the same type of shell account in Panama. Michel Martelly has over 330 Million, and Olivier Martelly has over 160 million dollars, all in the same type of shell accounts in Panama. I'm no math genius, but I do have a degree in accounting, so I'm guessing Jovenel hadn't earned 250 million as a "bannann man." Martelly, his son, and Lamothe had no businesses earning that kind of money prior to Martelly coming into his position. Among the 4 of them, they have stolen over 1.2 billion dollars that belong to the people of Haiti. If you don't see anything wrong with that, then you don't really have a mind.
We can point fingers all day, because there was 10 billion dollars available to Martelly when he took office. Every senator, deputy, magistrate got a piece of that 10 billion dollars. Of course, we also know the oligarchs took their share, as well as the Clintons, but Haitians need to focus their energy on all the culprits, not just one. Jovenel Moise is not going to relinquish his power, because he knows what he has done, and he knows what everybody else has done. He walked into the situation knowing he was going to enrich himself, and not do a fucking thing for the Haitian people. They all did. A person has to be very unconscionable to steal so much money from a country that has suffered the most devastating natural disasters in the last 10 years. None of these bastards give a shit about Haiti or the Haitian people. Why can't the Haitian government issue an international warrant for Lamothe, Olivier and Michel Martelly, as well as Jovenel Moise? Shouldn't an auditor be hired so they can figure out who the thieves are and where the money went? Why are any of these people not in prison? These are rhetorical questions. They are not in prison, because so many people are implicated in the the scheme to turn Haiti into a plantation, at the request of the United States, France and Canada. If you follow the money trail, it will lead back to the imperialists who allow all this to happen.
First of all, Jovenel Moise, Lamothe, and Michel Martelly don't have the intellectual and mental capacity to pull off this theft on their own. They were coached. For selling out their country and people, they were promised stolen money, and they became wealthy as a result. Martelly and Jovenel shouldn't be tried. They should be hung. Laurent Lamothe deserves vigilante justice. The Clintons should rot in prison in solitary confinement in Haiti, without seeing the light of day ever. All the senators and deputies should receive life sentences in a court of law. Is it going to happen, though? Hell no! Justice for these thieves lie in the hands of the people. Granted, Haiti has no court of law, just a bunch of bought and paid judges who want to be just as wealthy as the thieves they can't put in jail. At the end of the day, Haiti needs a complete do-over, and all monies that can be found in the possession of all living presidents, members of parliament and prime ministers, should be confiscated and returned to the Haitian government. In addition, that's where those burning tires should go, around the bodies of these thieves.
Y'all know I never last too long here. Just a couple of days before these racists suspend my account. Peace out!