The black elite tend to mess up everything for black people worldwide. I have yet to visit a country where the black elite wasn't one of the reasons why education, healthcare, social services, and overall black poverty existed.
The problem with the black elite is their undying quest for acceptance in white society. Most elitists didn't even plan to become elitist. Most of the time, it just happens. It's so easy to become an elitist, that few people put any thought into the process. Black elitists love to recruit other black people to become elitists like them. Obama and his wife are both elitists, but black people would never label them as such. Obama totally forgot about the role and reason for affirmative action when he told black people to pull themselves by their bootstraps during one of his speeches. That couldn't be more of an elitist statement. He and his wife have demonstrated their elitist status from the time they left office. They are now rich and totally disconnected to the people. Now they're hanging out on 300 million dollar yacht, with Wall Street moguls, and all the other things that elitists do, because that was their quest from the very beginning. Not that they were connected to the populist to begin with, because Obama's goal was to become the first elitist Negro president of this country.
A lot of people are not going to like what I'm saying here, but it's the truth. Most elitist Negroes in America, the Caribbean and Africa tend to be light skinned. Elitism starts when one of these Negroes obtain a college education from a respected/prestigious white institution of higher learning. They get to connect with other elitist Negroes who influence their thoughts and their being, and they suddenly see being an elitist will work to advance their careers and stance in society. Now, I'm not absolving the dark skinned elitist from the list, because they tend to either marry white people or very light skinned people after obtaining degrees from prestigious white institutions as well. The dark skinned elitists are the worst, because they now hate dark skinned people. Everything light or white is right, and everything dark turns them off. The weird thing about the black elite is, they all have the same attitude toward black people and the poor, no matter where they are in the world.
The most destructive place where the black elite has suffocated the people, is Haiti. Jamaica comes a close second. In Haiti, the black elite sometimes believe that they are white. The light complexion and sometimes curly hair of these mutts, make them believe they are higher on the hierarchy of color, as it relates to their fellow black people. Those same people in Haiti are behind the economic destruction of Haiti, as well as the destruction of infrastructure, security, jobs, development, and growth. The poverty stricken young black men in America are no different than the millions of poverty stricken black children in Haiti who have grown up without hope for the last few decades. And it's all because of the black elite.
There's no place in America to find black elitism than the Congressional Black Caucus. Those assholes are behind many legislation that keep black people in a state of destruction. Charles Rangel is a notorious elitist. They create delusions and false hopes by acting as ambassadors for the poor, while they spend their entire lives in Washington getting rich at the expense of black people. In America, the black elite tend to marry white as well. However, in America a prestigious college education is not the only thing that leads to elitism. Money also plays a major role in that. Rich Negro athletes can't wait to have a white woman on their arms to be accepted by white society, even those who grew up in the projects. Suddenly, they start having blurred vision about the roadblocks that prevent other black people from climbing the ladder of success, and the obstacle course created exclusively for black people who don't have any athletic abilities. Charles Barkley is a prime example.
Black folks are their own worse enemy sometimes, because they have the hardest time accepting who they are, and most of them can't wait to run from their roots the minute they attain any amount of success. Once the root is disconnected from the tree, that tree's soul is as good as dead.
I actually wrote the post before I EVEN READ THE ARTICLE BELOW. I added the article, because it emphasizes Obama's elitism that most people can't seem to grasp.